Recorded Friday, November 19, 2004 by Jim Blodget
Length: 12 minutes
Click the Play button to stream the audio. This Flash streaming version is 24 kbps, mono. You can drag the progress bar to access show listing times. |
Show listing:
Or download the file: zbw1_11-19-04.mp3 (5.3 Mb, 64 kbps, 22khz, stereo)
This first show is an experiment in portability. I recorded it walking to work in the morning. All my equipment is battery powered and fits in my jacket pockets except for a small mixer which I had in my backpack. Music was played from a small mp3 player.
Equipment list:
I transferred the recording to a computer using Audacity and saved it as a WAV file. I then used iTunes to convert it to a 64kbps, 22khz mp3 file.